

Recenzie (1)


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

Stáhnul jsem si to ve Full HD a udělal jsem dobře. Kromě Meggie tam hraje ještě jedna prcinka, kterou jsem si už nepamatoval. If you wanna stay, you are gonna have to get wet. Hele, Percy nedělal šéfa jenom v CTU! Promise me its not dream that I m gonna wake up from tomorrow. I m the one whos going to show you how to embrace your beauty. And use it to your advantage. What does the butterfly on your back mean if not transformation (napovídají)? Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon. Uzavíratelný sáčky (ted jsem si je koupil, když jsem byl v praze). Your country is rich with oil but you dont own any of it. The companies that drill it do. They know the minute you atabilize your country, the second you end civil war, you will kick them out. Those companies contractes Division to kill you. Peace (11/17). Victory. Home is wherever you stop running. ()

Galéria (4)



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