

Odložený prípad

  • Česko Odložené případy (viac)
Krimi / Dráma / Mysteriózny / Thriller
USA, (2003–2010), 114 h 33 min (Minutáž: 41–46 min)


Meredith Stiehm


Kathryn Morris, Danny Pino, John Finn, Jeremy Ratchford, Thom Barry, Tracie Thoms, Nicki Aycox, Susan Chuang, Jonathan LaPaglia, Josh Hopkins, Tania Raymonde (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(7) / Epizódy(156)


Lilly Rush (Kathryn Morrisová) je detektívka, ktorá vo Filadelfii vyšetruje nedoriešené a neobjasnené vraždy, známe ako položka s názvom: Odložený prípad. V prvej časti sa Lilly zaoberá prípadom z roku 1976, kedy bola mladá tínedžerka ubitá na smrť na tenisovom kurte počas akejsi párty. Pomocníčka v zámožnej rodine, Bonita Jakarta (Lillian Hursová), je ochotná svedčiť v prípade vraždy tínedžerky Jill Shelby (Kate Maraová). Lilly Rush teda znovu obnovuje prípad a chce doviesť vraha pred súd. Podozriví sú dvaja bratia, ktorí nikdy neboli z ničoho obvinení, pretože majú za sebou silnú a vplyvnú rodinu. Lilly vypočúva priateľov a ľudí, ktorí Jill poznali jej najlepšiu priateľku Melanie (Lisa Waltzová), jej priateľa Tooda Whitleya (D. W. Moffett), ktorý sa po smrti Jill oženil s Melanie, a vypočúva aj jeho problematického brata Erika (Michael Reilly Burke), ktorý podľahol alkoholu. Lilly je odhodlaná odhaliť pravdu, takže musí donútiť rodinu Whitleyovcov ku konfrontácii ich temnej minulosti, a to napriek neochote a odporu všetkých tých, ktorí s prípadom nejako súvisia, vrátane autoritatívnej a vždy víťaziacej matky (Elizabeth Franzová)... (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (164)

Ta žena (2007) (S05E02) 

"I was a virgin until my wedding night. You cannot slander my character." ()

Vyjížďka (2007) (S05E03) 

"If there is a God, he took off work the day I was born." ()

Ďábelská hudba (2007) (S05E04) 

Perfect? What's so perfect about a smart woman baking cookies instead of following her dream? Or a guy getting fired just 'cause he's colored? What's perfect about Miranda out of her gourd 'cause she's scared she's nothing without a man? It's a twisted world. It ain't all puppy dogs and holding hands. Open your eyes. ()

Spřízněni zlodějnou (2007) (S05E05) 

"How do you find a guy that changes his name more often than his underwear?" ()


Zázračné dítě (2007) (S05E06) 

"We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde ()

Konec světa (2007) (S05E07) 

"People got way too much time on their hands." ()

Obecná odpovědnost (2007) (S05E08) 

"It's from Greek mythology. Theseus is a young man who's sent by his father to do to bad guys what they did to others. It's a father and son thing." ()

Šílená po klucích (2007) (S05E09) 

"Why? So I can change diapers and mick cups of coffee for people like you?" ()

Spravedlnost (2007) (S05E10) 

"I would NEVER call a woman a ho. All I'm saying is, sometimes women say no, but they really mean 'maybe'... what's a guy to do? Just walk off at the first no? The human race would go extinct." ()

Rodina (2007) (S05E11) 

"A Jap is a Jap." ()

Sabotáž (2008) (S05E12) 

"John Henry, steel-driving man. I remember that story as a kid. Railroad guy with the hammer, raced against a steam drill tunneling through a mountain. John Henry won. Then he kneeled over and died." ()

Pavouci (2008) (S05E13) 

"Well, the world would be taken over by mosquitoes and flies if it weren't for spiders, so..." ()

Andy v C moll (2008) (S05E14) 

"Killed in a place where no one can hear you scream." ()

Cesta (2008) (S05E15) 

"Once hope is gone, dying is just a formality." ()

Špatná pověst (2008) (S05E16) 

"Eh,crooks get rich, cops get screwed." ()

Šílenství (2008) (S05E17) 

"I thought poetry was supposed to rhyme." ()

Duch mého dítěte (2008) (S05E18) 

"I'm seeing alligator patterns in that room right over here. The baby's room. On the walls, if fire burns really hot or burns it for a long time, it does it, but..." ()

Season 6 (2008) (S06) 

"The saddest lies are those we tell ourselves." ()

Dny slávy (2008) (S06E01) 

"I needed the money. Students who couldn't throw an inflated ball actually had to pay their own way." ()

To pravé povolání (2008) (S06E02) 

"History is not just something from the past. It's a story,happening every day." ()

