

Vojna svetov

  • Česko Válka světů (viac)
Trailer 1
USA, 2005, 116 min


Scenárista David Koepp sa inšpiroval slávnym románom H. G Wellsa, ktorého témou je invázia Marťanov na planétu Zem. Jeho príbeh však presunul z konca 19. storočia do horúcej súčasnosti. Robotníka Raya Ferriera (Tom Cruise) trápia problémy v rodine, ktorej členovia si prestávajú rozumieť. Ray sa stane svedkom zvláštnej udalosti, ktorá navždy zmení životy ich všetkých. Akýsi ohromný vojnový stroj na troch nohách sa vynorí z hĺbky zeme a skôr, ako ktokoľvek stihne zareagovať, začne spaľovať všetko vo svojom dosahu. Normálny deň sa náhle zmení na najhroznejší zážitok ich života... (TV Markíza)



War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Intrada Records

Rok: 2020

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 02:35:59

Poznámky: Limited edition.

Tracklist CD 1 Minutáž: 01:19:23
1. Prologue And Opening Montage John Williams 02:54
2. Is It Over? John Williams 03:05
3. The Intersection Scene (Film Version) John Williams 04:10
4. What Happened? John Williams 03:36
5. Driving Away From Trouble John Williams 03:39
6. Surveying Wreckage / Watch The Lightning John Williams 02:15
7. Bodies In The Water / Ray And Rachel John Williams 03:47
8. Attacking The Car John Williams 02:53
9. In The Cafe John Williams 01:12
10. The Ferry Scene (Extended Version) John Williams 05:56
11. Woods Walk John Williams 01:55
12. Refugee Status (Extended Version) John Williams 04:12
13. Robbie Joins The Fight John Williams 03:27
14. The Basement John Williams 02:42
15. Harlan Ogilvy John Williams 02:37
16. Probing The Basement (Extended Version) John Williams 04:24
17. The Aliens John Williams 03:16
18. Ogilvy's End John Williams 01:49
19. Red Planet John Williams 03:56
20. The Basket John Williams 03:17
21. The Entrance To Boston John Williams 04:43
22. Defeat And Reunion John Williams 02:35
23. Boston Street Finale John Williams 02:13
24. Closing Montage John Williams 01:36
25. Epilogue (Film Version) John Williams 03:14
Tracklist CD 2 Minutáž: 01:16:36
1. THE ALBUM: Prologue John Williams 02:53
2. The Ferry Scene John Williams 05:49
3. Reaching The Country John Williams 03:24
4. The Intersection Scene John Williams 04:14
5. Ray And Rachel John Williams 02:41
6. Escape From The City John Williams 03:50
7. Probing The Basement John Williams 04:13
8. Refugee Status John Williams 03:51
9. The Attack On The Car John Williams 02:44
10. The Separation Of The Family John Williams 02:37
11. The Confrontation With Ogilvy John Williams 04:35
12. The Return To Boston John Williams 04:29
13. Escape From The Basket John Williams 09:21
14. The Reunion John Williams 03:17
15. Epilogue John Williams 03:13
16. THE EXTRAS: Prologue And Opening Montage (Alternate) John Williams 02:43
17. Before The Escape John Williams 00:35
18. The Entrance To Boston (Alternate) John Williams 04:40
19. Boston Street Finale (Alternate No. 1) John Williams 02:03
20. Boston Street Finale (Alternate No. 2) John Williams 02:00
21. Epilogue (Alternate) John Williams 03:24
Krieg der Welten

Krieg der Welten

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Decca

Rok: 2005

Krajina: Nemecko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 01:01:01

Poznámky: Track 1 and 14 narrated by Morgan Freeman.

1. Prologue John Williams 02:52
2. The Ferry Scene John Williams 05:49
3. Reaching The Country John Williams 03:24
4. The Intersection Scene John Williams 04:13
5. Ray And Rachel John Williams 02:41
6. Escape From The City John Williams 03:49
7. Probing The Basement John Williams 04:12
8. Refugee Status John Williams 03:50
9. The Attack On The Car John Williams 02:44
10. The Separation Of The Family John Williams 02:36
11. The Confrontation With Ogilvy John Williams 04:34
12. The Return To Boston John Williams 04:29
13. Escape From The Basket John Williams 09:21
14. The Reunion John Williams 03:16
15. Epilogue John Williams 03:11
War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Decca

Rok: 2005

Krajina: Japonsko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 01:01:00

Poznámky: Track 1 and 14 narrated by Morgan Freeman.

1. Prologue John Williams 02:52
2. The Ferry Scene John Williams 05:49
3. Reaching The Country John Williams 03:24
4. The Intersection Scene John Williams 04:13
5. Ray And Rachel John Williams 02:41
6. Escape From The City John Williams 03:49
7. Probing The Basement John Williams 04:12
8. Refugee Status John Williams 03:50
9. The Attack On The Car John Williams 02:44
10. The Separation Of The Family John Williams 02:36
11. The Confrontation With Ogilvy John Williams 04:34
12. The Return To Boston John Williams 04:29
13. Escape From The Basket John Williams 09:20
14. The Reunion John Williams 03:16
15. Epilogue John Williams 03:11
La Guerre des Mondes

La Guerre des Mondes

Bande Originale du Film

Vydal: Decca

Rok: 2005

Krajina: Francúzsko

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 01:01:01

1. "Prologue" - Morgan Freeman John Williams 02:52
2. The Ferry Scene John Williams 05:49
3. Reaching The Country John Williams 03:24
4. The Intersection Scene John Williams 04:13
5. Ray And Rachel John Williams 02:41
6. Escape From The City John Williams 03:49
7. Probing The Basement John Williams 04:12
8. Refugee Status John Williams 03:50
9. The Attack On The Car John Williams 02:44
10. The Separation Of The Family John Williams 02:36
11. The Confrontation With Ogilvy John Williams 04:34
12. The Return To Boston John Williams 04:29
13. Escape From The Basket John Williams 09:21
14. "The Reunion" - Morgan Freeman John Williams 03:16
15. Epilogue John Williams 03:11
War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds

Music from the Motion Picture

Vydal: Decca Records

Rok: 2005

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD, digital

Minutáž: 01:01:01

1. Prologue John Williams 02:52
2. The Ferry Scene John Williams 05:49
3. Reaching The Country John Williams 03:24
4. The Intersection Scene John Williams 04:13
5. Ray And Rachel John Williams 02:41
6. Escape From The City John Williams 03:49
7. Probing The Basement John Williams 04:12
8. Refugee Status John Williams 03:50
9. The Attack On The Car John Williams 02:44
10. The Separation Of The Family John Williams 02:36
11. The Confrontation With Ogilvy John Williams 04:34
12. The Return To Boston John Williams 04:29
13. Escape From The Basket John Williams 09:21
14. The Reunion John Williams 03:16
15. Epilogue John Williams 03:11

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