


Jindřich varuje Annu, aby se mu nepletla do státních záležitostí. Její paranoidní obavy z Kateřiny minimalizuje pouze její smrt a Annino nové těhotenství. (Viasat)

Recenzie (2)


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

"I will tell you a story. Once when I was a boy, I went swimming and the tide carried me away from the shore into the deepest water. It was then I prayed aloud to God and a friendly wave came and pushed me back to the shore. So it is with the King of England. He has been carried far from the shore but doesn't know it. He does not ask for God's help; he does not ask for our help. He thinks he can swim alone. But very soon he will realize he is not swimming, but drowning." ()

