


Ukážka z filmu
Krimi / Dráma / Thriller / Mysteriózny
USA, (2009–2011), 35 h 8 min (Minutáž: 43–47 min)


Samuel Baum


Tim Roth, Kelli Williams, Monica Raymund, Brendan Hines, Hayley McFarland, Kristen Ariza, Mekhi Phifer, Tim Guinee, Wayne Dalglish, M.D. Walton, Tim Griffin (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(3) / Epizódy(48)

Tim Roth ako Dr. Lightman je popredný svetový expert na odhaľovanie lží pomocou sledovania ľudskej mimiky, mikrovýrazov a gest. Dokonale dokáže analyzovať tvár, reč tela, hlas a reč, vďaka čomu vie rozpoznať pravdu. Analýzou výrazov tváre môže čítať aj pocity – od ukrývanej nenávisti cez sexuálnu príťažlivosť až po žiarlivosť. Tieto výnimočné schopnosti sú zároveň aj prekliatím v jeho osobnom živote, pretože aj rodina a priatelia klamú rovnako ľahko ako zločinci. Vo svojej spoločnosti The Lightman group, s ktorou spolupracujú napríklad FBI či CIA, spolu so svojimi kolegami odhaľuje rôzne zločiny a priznania. V prvom prípade sa dr. Lightman zaoberá prípadom mladíka z rodiny jehovistov obžalovaného z vraždy učiteľky a aférou kongresmana, ktorý si údajne platí služby prostitútky. V druhom prípade dr. Lightman vyšetruje údajné znásilnenie v armáde a súčasne aj preveruje vynikajúceho basketbalistu, ktorý vraj prijal úplatok... (oficiálny text distribútora)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (52)

Klamári (2009) 

"Human face is like a puzzle. You gotta know what to look for." ()

Season 1 (2009) (S01) 

"Truth or happiness, never both." ()

Pilot (2009) (S01E01) 

"Well we all pay for sex one way or another. At least hookers are honest about the price." ()

Morální zodpovědnost (2009) (S01E02) 

"Unpleasant truths, human mortality, a mustache on a woman - three things we'd all prefer to ignore." ()


Životní zkouška (2009) (S01E03) 

"Oh, sex, drugs or money. The holy trinity." ()

Dokud nás smrt nerozdělí (2009) (S01E04) 

"The bride is pretending to be a virgin, the groom is pretending to have found The One, and the inlaws are pretending to like each other. It's Christmas for liars." ()

Přerušený řetěz (2009) (S01E05) 

"Gang leaders like Trillo learn early that respect is key to survival. They need to respond to perceived disrespect. And it becomes what we call an emotional trigger." ()

Příběhy utajeného násilí (2009) (S01E06) 

"People lie to you with polite conversation. Then, when they finally show themselves to you, you realize you've spent all that time with a stranger." ()

Nejlepší taktika (2009) (S01E07) 

"How many people in this world do you trust? Well, when you get to my age, it'll be three. And when one of those people asks you for 24 hours, you give it to them." ()

Zlomené srdce (2009) (S01E08) 

"The worst lies we tell are out of love." ()

Bezcenný život (2009) (S01E09) 

"That's a lot of anger you're showing for a woman you don't care about. Men usually reserve that kind of anger for women that they love." ()

Nelehká volba (2009) (S01E10) 

"How about someone who doesn't need to know everything about me? Who I can surprise on his birthday. Who doesn't need to point out every time I'm even remotely attracted to another man. Someone with his head up his ass. Someone who doesn't study my eyebrows when I'm standing in a thong." ()

Tajný agent (2009) (S01E11) 

"There is definitely something going on with this guy." ()

Nevidět zločin (2009) (S01E12) 

"Pathological liars like pushing boundaries." ()

Nevinné oběti (2009) (S01E13) 

"Do you know what they call a place that breaks the law every time there's an emergency? Dictatorship." ()

Season 2 (2009) (S02) 

"We follow the truth here, right? No matter the cost to our egos or our wallets." ()

Jádro případu (2009) (S02E01) 

"You know I can tell when you're lying don't you?" ()

Co přinese pravda (2009) (S02E02) 

"Wacky religions, they don't bother me, because they're no wackier than the mainstream ones. Do you really believe that there's a man in the clouds who will solve your problems if you make a wish to him? Well, last I checked, talking to invisible people is usually diagnosed as schizophrenia." ()

Miláček (2009) (S02E04) 

"If we were in a hotel room and you could order one thing from room service, would it be chocolate cake, strawberries or warm honey?" ()

