


  • Česko Luther (viac)
Trailer 7
Krimi / Dráma / Mysteriózny / Thriller
Veľká Británia, (2010–2019), 19 h 40 min (Minutáž: 57–62 min)


Neil Cross


Neil Cross


Idris Elba, Dermot Crowley, Warren Brown, Ruth Wilson, Michael Smiley, Paul McGann, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Steven Mackintosh, Saskia Reeves, Indira Varma (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(5) / Epizódy(20)

Úspešný britský kriminálny seriál sleduje osud rozvádzajúceho sa Johna Luthera, brilantného londýnskeho detektíva, ktorý sa nebojí používať neortodoxné metódy. Súčasne bojuje so svojimi vlastnými démonmi, ktorý naznačujú že by mohol byť rovnako zvrátený ako zločinci, ktorých má dostať za mreže. (oficiálny text distribútora)

Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (26)

Luther (2010) 

DCI John Luther: It's my lucky coat. Alice Morgan: Lucky? Right. Well, I'd take it back to the shop if I were you. Get your money back. It's obviously defective. ()

Season 1 (2010) (S01) 

"I wonder; why did your wife turn her face from you, John? Why did she do that? Is it because you shine so bright?" ()

Episode 1 (2010) (S01E01) 

"I love to talk about nothing. It's the only thing I know anything about." ()

Episode 2 (2010) (S01E02) 

"Don't you ever worry that you're on the devil's side without even knowing it?" ()


Episode 3 (2010) (S01E03) 

Mark North: And if I refuse? What if somebody actually stood up to you and refused? Alice Morgan: Hmmm. Well then, I'd have to leave. And then one night, I'd have to come back. ()

Episode 4 (2010) (S01E04) 

"Want to know the real tragedy about marriage? Women always think men will change, but they don't. Men think women won't change, but they do." ()

Episode 5 (2010) (S01E05) 

"You give me 100% of what I want, you get back 100% of Jessica. You bring me 80% of what I want, you get 80% of Jessica, and so on. You take longer than an hour, you don't get to know how she died or where I dumped her." ()

Episode 6 (2010) (S01E06) 

"Excellent. Where do we start?" ()

Season 2 (2011) (S02) 

"Now what?" ()

Episode 1 (2011) (S02E01) 

"I'm going to remind people what it's like to be really scared. Have you ever heard of Spring-heeled Jack?" ()

Episode 2 (2011) (S02E02) 

"I know men like you the way you know men like me, and I know you wouldn't have done this if you believed there was the least chance of it coming back on you. Well, guess what. It's come back on you like the Hand of God, and the next words from your mouth will determine the weight and velocity of the staggering tonnage of shit that's about to plummet onto your head." ()

Episode 3 (2011) (S02E03) 

"Bedlam Axis has been around since 1960s. It's used a lot like an RPG - role-playing games. So, the arrow going upwards indicates predictability, law and order. The arrow going across indicates unpredictability, chaos." ()

Episode 4 (2011) (S02E04) 

"It's a scoring system. You score a certain amount of points for who you kill, and then get bonuses for where you kill 'em and how you kill 'em. So it's sort of a tally of Experience Points." ()

Season 3 (2013) (S03) 

"I want to know exactly how he handles that investigation. And I mean every move by move, breath by breath. If he breaks the law, I want his head on a stick." ()

Episode 1 (2013) (S03E01) 

"There was a park ranger. In America, that is. He was struck seven times by lightning. Seven times. Actually made the Guinness Book of Records for being the unluckiest guy in the world. Or maybe the luckiest guy in the world, depends on how you look at it." ()

Episode 2 (2013) (S03E02) 

"If you take me down, I'll take you down even faster and even harder." ()

Episode 3 (2013) (S03E03) 

DCI John Luther: Well, can't we just pull it down or trace it to the source or whatever you do with websites? DSU Martin Schenk: Apparently now it's been posted from Uzbekistan, or Kasakhstan... one of the 'Stans. ()

Episode 4 (2013) (S03E04) 

"You assert a fabulous moral conscience, John. This adherence to unwritten law, yet, time and again, it devastates the people you claim to hold dear but you don't stop. Seems to me your conscience has killed more people than I have." ()

Season 4 (2015) (S04) 

"Do you never do this? Do you never come up to a really high place and wonder what it would be like to fall?" ()

Episode 1 (2015) (S04E01) 

"I don't care if you're fucking Sting." ()

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