

Agenti S.H.I.E.L.D.

  • Česko Agenti S.H.I.E.L.D. (viac)
USA, (2013–2020), 97 h 8 min (Minutáž: 41–45 min)


Stan Lee (komiks), Jack Kirby (komiks)


Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Caestecker, Brett Dalton, Nick Blood, Henry Simmons, Adrianne Palicki, Luke Mitchell (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

VOD (1)

Série(7) / Epizódy(136)

Existence superhrdinů a mimozemšťanů se stala veřejně známou a svět se snaží vyrovnat s touto novou realitou. Pod vedením agenta Phila Coulsona tak vzniká nový tým specializovaných mužů tajné organizace S.H.I.E.L.D, kteří se s touto realitou musí utkat. (TV Nova)

Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (144)

Agenti S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) 

"The battle of the New York was the end of the world. This - now - is the new world. People are different. They have access to tech, to formula, secrets they're not ready for." ()

Season 1 (2013) (S01) 

"I can't confirm it's her, but I did hear a story about a baby girl. Years ago, a village in the Hunan province in China. It destroyed, every man, woman, and child torn apart by monsters trying to find this baby. That's whats so interesting. The baby's parents were the monsters." ()

Nový svět (2013) (S01E01) 

WARD: "She's a groupie. All this hacking into SHIELD, tracking powers - She might as well be one of those sweaty Cosplay girls crowding around Stark tower." SKYE: "What? I would - It was just one time." ()

0-8-4 (2013) (S01E02) 

"Object of unknown origin, kind of like you. Team goes in determines if it's useful or poses a threat. Last one turned out to be pretty interesting." ()


Přínos (2013) (S01E03) 

"A concerned citizen who happens to be a member of a gigantic bureaucratic organization that is tracking your every move." ()

Kdo se dívá (2013) (S01E04) 

"It's amazing. Every year, this part of our job gets easier. Between Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr, people are surveilling themselves." ()

Dívka v květovaných šatech (2013) (S01E05) 

"You've got two choices - take what's in this box, or we put you in a slightly bigger one." ()

Výboj (2013) (S01E06) 

"I'm Agent Grant Ward, and I can shoot the legs off a flea from 500 yards, as long as it's not windy." ()

Hub (2013) (S01E07) 

"I can't be a part of your bad-girl shenanigans. I like following the rules and doing what's expected of me. It makes me feel nice." ()

Studna (2013) (S01E08) 

"I mean, this guy has lived through all the scary stuff - the Crusades, the Black Death, disco." ()

Škody (2013) (S01E09) 

"I'll lose the tie. If she is telekinetic, I don't want to have a noose around my neck." ()

Most (2013) (S01E10) 

"Nothing makes people more suspicious than a handsome man offering them free money." ()

Sémě (2014) (S01E12) 

"Time will come when you won't make fun of me for that. You'll be jealous. You'll be jealous, wrinkly, old hags." ()

Vlak (2014) (S01E13) 

"It's pretty tricky, right? I couldn't even find the ON button." ()

T.A.H.I.T.I. (2014) (S01E14) 

"Turns out, not so magical." ()

Služebníci (2014) (S01E15) 

"For a quiet guy you make a lot of noise." ()

Konec začátku (2014) (S01E16) 

"Ward said that the Clairvoyant knew how to push all the right buttons." ()

Časy se mění (2014) (S01E17) 

You should really look up the word "boring" in the dictionary. ()

Providence (2014) (S01E18) 

"I'm everyone's type." ()

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