

Iron Fist

  • USA Marvel's Iron Fist
Trailer 2
USA, (2017–2018), 20 h 52 min (Minutáž: 49–62 min)


Scott Buck


Gil Kane (komiks)


Finn Jones, Jessica Henwick, Jessica Stroup, Tom Pelphrey, David Wenham, Rosario Dawson, Wai Ching Ho, Ramon Rodriguez, Sacha Dhawan, Barrett Doss (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

VOD (1)

Série(2) / Epizódy(23)

15 let od údajného úmrtí se Danny Rand znova objeví. Teď má ale sílu Železné pěsti a chce získat zpátky svoji minulost a naplnit svůj osud. (Netflix)

Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (26)

Iron Fist (2017) 

"It's not a snake. It's the symbol for Shou-Lao the Undying. From K'un-Lun. Shou-Lao made me a living weapon." ()

Season 1 (2017) (S01) 

"I have no idea what an "iron fist" is. Sounds like a sex toy." ()

Sníh ustupuje (2017) (S01E01) 

"Your purpose in life is to find your purpose." ()

Shadow Hawk letí (2017) (S01E02) 

"And I thought you were dead, so I guess that's something we have in common." ()


Úder hromového kanónu (2017) (S01E03) 

Joy Meachum - You know, in another life this would've been romantic. Danny Rand - In another life you wouldn't've drugged me and sent me to a mental hospital. ()

Osmiznaká dračí dlaň (2017) (S01E04) 

Jeri Hogarth - For the record, I have never seen a deal come together so fast. What did you do? Danny Rand - Oh, I, uh, pretty much had to raise the dead. ()

Leknín utržený pod listem (2017) (S01E05) 

"It's not a snake. It's the symbol for Shou-Lao the Undying. From K'un-Lun. Shou-Lao made me a living weapon." ()

Vyvracení stromu (2017) (S01E07) 

"I have no idea what an "iron fist" is. Sounds like a sex toy." ()

Požehnání praskajících kostí (2017) (S01E08) 

"Hey, Claire. How was your trip to China? Oh, you know We committed arson, and then got killed by an evil ninja cult. It was great. What'd you do this weekend?" ()

Černý tygr krade srdce (2017) (S01E10) 

"I'm treating you with respect by being who I truly am. Not everyone around you does the same." ()

Zaveď koně zpět do stáje (2017) (S01E11) 

Colleen Wing - We were! There are different groups within the Hand, okay? I am part of one that is trying to help people. Claire Temple - Then did you think about trying a different name for the group? Like, the Ear? Or the Arm? ()

Zastav velkého šéfa (2017) (S01E12) 

"Your backstabbing brother has turned us over to the Hand." ()

Drak si hraje s ohněm (2017) (S01E13) 

"Danny, you're not the first friend of mine with special powers. They're all dark, haunted people. You know, when I first met you in Colleen's dojo, I couldn't help but notice that you had this sweet innocence, but the more you continue to fight against something that happened fifteen years ago, a fight you can't possibly win, the darker you become." ()

Season 2 (2018) (S02) 

"With practice comes mastery. With mastery comes knowledge. With knowledge comes strength." ()

Iron Fist zuří (2018) (S02E01) 

"A moving company? When will this "value of a dollar" thing be over? You have a corner office at Rand with your name on it." ()

Terč: Iron Fist (2018) (S02E04) 

"Know what it's like to wake up and not know where you are or where you've been or what you said to whom? Do you know what it's like to wake up hungry because some other part of you didn't bother to eat because she wanted to paint pretty pictures instead?" ()

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