


  • USA Marvel's Daredevil (viac)
Trailer 2
Akčný / Krimi / Mysteriózny / Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Thriller
USA, (2015–2018), 34 h 56 min (Minutáž: 46–61 min)


Drew Goddard


Stan Lee (komiks)


John Paesano


Charlie Cox, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, Vincent D'Onofrio, Jon Bernthal, Elodie Yung, Geoffrey Cantor, Toby Leonard Moore, Vondie Curtis-Hall (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

VOD (1)

Série(3) / Epizódy(39)

Matt Murdock přišel jako malý kluk o zrak. Teď bojuje s nespravedlností ve dne coby právník a v noci jako superhrdina Daredevil v newyorkské čtvrti Hell’s Kitchen. (Netflix)

Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (17)

Daredevil (2015) 

"Argumentation is a skill. Being argumentative is a sign." ()

Season 1 (2015) (S01) 

"I'm not a religious man, but I've read bits and pieces over the years. Curiosity more than faith. But this one story... There was a man, he was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when he was set upon by men of ill intent. They stripped the traveler of his clothes, they beat him, and they left him bleeding in the dirt. And a priest happened by, saw the traveler, but he moved to the other side of the road and continued on. And then a Levite, a religious functionary, he came to the place, saw the dying traveler, but he too moved to the other side of the road, passed him by. But then came a man from Samaria, a Samaritan, a good man. He saw the traveler bleeding in the road and he stopped to aid him without thinking of the circumstance or the difficulty it might bring him. The Samaritan tended to the traveler's wounds, applying oil and wine. And he carried him to an inn, gave him all the money he had for the owner to take care of the traveler as the Samaritan, he continued on his journey. He did this simply because the traveler was his neighbor. He loved his city and all the people in it... I always thought that I was the Samaritan in that story. It's funny, isn't it? How even the best of men can be deceived by their true nature. It means that I'm not the Samaritan. That I'm not the priest, or the Levite. That I am the ill intent who set upon the traveler on a road that he should not have been on. " ()

Season 2 (2016) (S02) 

"You hit 'em and they get back up, I hit 'em and they stay down." ()

Season 3 (2018) (S03) 

"Heal the body, and the spirit will follow." "It's the other way around." ()


Zmrtvýchvstání (2018) (S03E01) 

"Your father was famous around here. I saw him fight. I saw him go down many times. But he never stayed down." ()

Prosím (2018) (S03E02) 

"I've spent much of my life alone. And for many years, I pretended that this was the source of my strength. I told myself I had free will. And in that time, I achieved a great deal. But I was not fulfilled. I was longing for a connection that I could imagine but I could not achieve. Searching and not finding. Until Vanessa. Until I discovered love. I thought I would explode with the sense of power and freedom that she brought me. That the world lay at my feet. But then that passed when I discovered the great lie at the heart of love. That what I took for true freedom was precisely the reverse. You can build a prison of stone and steel, but you merely present the prisoner with a challenge. Any truly determined man will find a way out. But love Love is the perfect prison. Inescapable. So you see, Agent Nadeem I am always in prison, wherever I go." ()

Za dobrotu (2018) (S03E03) 

"Fisk is cooperating with the federal government. There's nothing I can do. I know you know the difference between a good fight and a losing battle." "I know that sometimes they're the same thing. And you don't know which battle you're fighting until you're fighting it." ()

Zaskočení (2018) (S03E04) 

" Officers, I don't mean to disappoint. But I'm not here to talk only about Wilson Fisk. With his name on everyone's lips, he's getting far more publicity than any cop killer deserves. His name deserves to be buried buried in the same hard earth where he put your fallen brothers. I'm here to talk about Blake Tower, our honorable district attorney. Here's a man charged with ensuring the safety of this city, just as you are. And yet, he stands idly by while the feds whisk that monster out of prison and into the warm lap of luxury. Someone smarter than me said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Blake Tower is a good man doing nothing. Which is why I'm running my own write-in campaign for district attorney, to oust Blake Tower and to put Wilson Fisk into the deepest prison hole allowable under the Eighth Amendment. And I would love nothing more than to do that with the endorsement of each of you and your illustrious union. " ()

Perfektní hra (2018) (S03E05) 

" Karen Page. Daughter of Paxton and Penelope. 239 Kings Road, Fagan Corners, Vermont. You had the back room. My guess, Dad wanted his little girl to be safe. Sadly, he should've been more worried about his little boy. Drug addicts really do destroy families, don't they? Off the record, you're incorrect. About what I do for a living. I don't fix problems. I make them disappear. " ()

Ďábel, kterého znáš (2018) (S03E06) 

" It's not a criticism, Matthew. Calling you an idiot for believing that friends make you weaker rather than stronger? That would be a criticism. " ()

Následky (2018) (S03E07) 

"The Hero of Hell's Kitchen Feeds a Simpleton to the Feds." Won't that make a hell of a headline for tomorrow's Bulletin? ()

Nahoře a dole (2018) (S03E08) 

"A final lesson. One you seem not to have understood." ()

Odhalení (2018) (S03E09) 

" I'm not your boss anymore. Wilson Fisk is. " ()

Karen (2018) (S03E10) 

" Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." John Lennon said that. Who are we to argue with a Beatle? ()

Setkání (2018) (S03E11) 

" I know that most of you find this difficult to accept. That's only because you've been manipulated poisoned into believing the news media's fake story that I am evil, that I am a criminal. Quite the opposite is true. Because I challenge the system because I've told the truth and tried to make this city a better place, the people in power decided to tear me down to tear me down with false allegations. They sent someone to frame me. Daredevil. The killer who's now showing his true colors, who has tried to murder people in newspaper offices and churches, attacking our sacred institutions. Believe me. Daredevil is our true public enemy. " ()

Naposledy (2018) (S03E12) 

" You know, I don't even pick up a book in the airport without reading the last page first? I need to know what this meeting is about. " ()

Nový ubrousek (2018) (S03E13) 

" Don't you understand we're all broken? The point is to find the person whose broken pieces fit with yours. " ()

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