



Seriál vypráví o královské rodině Inhumanů, rasy geneticky vylepšených lidí, kteří byli představeni již v seriálu Agenti S.H.I.E.L.D. Královská rodina v čele s králem Black Boltem (Anson Mount) žije na Měsíci ve městě Attilan v utajení před obyvateli Země. Příběh začíná ve chvíli, kdy bratr Black Bolta Maximus (Iwan Rheon) zorganizuje převrat a zbytek královské rodiny je nucen uprchnout na Zemi na Havaj. Zatímco se členové rodiny snaží najít jeden druhého a seznamují se se zcela neznámým prostředím, Maximus za nimi vysílá své spojence. (Adasin)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (9)

Inhumans (2017) 

"Maximus right or wrong, he's dangerous. You think you're being tough with him, but you are not. He has the ear of the people, and he undermines your decisions. You're blind to his intentions. That's one of your greatest weaknesses." ()

Behold... The Inhumans (2017) (E01) 

"Maximus right or wrong, he's dangerous. You think you're being tough with him, but you are not. He has the ear of the people, and he undermines your decisions. You're blind to his intentions. That's one of your greatest weaknesses." ()

Those Who Would Destroy Us (2017) (E02) 

"So, what you're suggesting is that our creature with the hooves and three of his, uh, his buddies smashed our rover, and now they've come to visit us on Earth?" "I don't know if they're buddies." ()

Divide and Conquer (2017) (E03) 

"Callisto Aerospace? You work for the billionaire who wants to build a hotel on the Moon?" "Louise: It's a base, not a hotel. The hotel will come later." ()


Make Way for... Medusa (2017) (E04) 

"At times, he exhibits clear sociopathological symptoms." ()

Something Inhuman This Way Comes... (2017) (E05) 

"Doubt is our friend. It makes us question things, helps us find new solutions. Only crazy fanatics don't feel doubt." ()

The Gentleman's Name Is Gorgon (2017) (E06) 

"The all powerful Karnak. Hiding, are we? I've heard you like to tell your enemies all the different ways you can defeat them. So I'm gonna give you the chance to do so right now. me your genius." ()

Havoc in the Hidden Land (2017) (E07) 

"Everywhere I go, no matter what I do, that will always be the story. He did so well given what he is." ()

...And Finally: Black Bolt (2017) (E08) 

"Smallminded, really? Aren't you the water based inhuman who's allowed Black Bolt to keep you on the moon where there is no water?" ()

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