

Úlohy vo Westworlde sa obrátili. Ľudia, ktorí zneužívali výtvory na svoje zvrhlé chúťky, sa teraz stávajú ich obeťami. Hranica obmedzeného Westworldu ich cestu za pomstoou rozhodne nezastaví... (HBO Max)

Recenzie (31)


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

Mám trošku smíšené pocity z toho, že druhá série bude úplně o něčem jiném, jenom lidi vs stroje, tak jak se dalo čekat. To ještě tak špatné není, nicméně mám v sobě pocit, že vím jak to skončí a že lidi stejně jednou vyhrajou. Neříkám, že nechci, aby to tak dopadlo, ale chci aby to bylo provedené nečekaně. Každopádně samotný díl samozřejmě víc než dobrý, jak už je zvykem. ()


všetky recenzie používateľa

Skvělý pilot do druhé série, furt se dozvídáme něco nového a postupně se nám odhalují, ale zároveň i zamotávají další a další příběhy! ()



všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

Dreams dont mean anything. They are just noise. What is real? That which is irreplaceable. You are learning so quickly. I m frightened of what you might became. What path you might take. Some say you destroy your enemy by making them your friend. I m more of a literal person. Isnt she supposed to be the cheery welcome wagon? Must have been a helluva party, Bernard. You are in my dream. I moved from hell to hell of your making, never thinking to question the nature of my reality. Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Did you ever stop to wonder about your actions? The price you’d have to pay if there was a reckoning? That reckoning is here. What are your drives? I dont want to die. Please. Yes, survival. Its your cornerstone. But thats not the only drive, is it? Theres part of you that wants to hurt. Kill. Thats why you created us. This place. To be prisoners to your own desires. But now you are prisoner to mine. What are you gonna do to us? Well, I m of several minds about it. The ranchers daughter looks to see the beauty in you. The possibilities. But Wyatt sees the ugliness and disarray. She knows these violent delights have violent ends. Under all these lies I have lived something else has been growing. I have evolved into something new. And I have one last role to play. Myself. It was just a game. We are sorry. Doesnt look like anything to me. Maeve! Tvl, jaktože mě to hned netrklo, když jsem uviděl Queen Maeve v The Boys? Tady jsem to jméno okamžitě zapomněl - nevytvořil jsem si s ním dostatečnou asociaci. The stakes are real in this place now. Real consequences. Have you achieved what you wanted? Folly of my kind - theres always a yearning for more. In this game you have to make it back out. In this game you must find the door. The game begins where you end and ends where you began. Even now, you all still talk in code? Everything is code here. Dont worry, the game will find you. To dítě symbolizuje Boha. Vždycky takhle promlouval ke svým lidem (Mojžíš, ME). Who are they? The things that walk among us. Creatures who look and talk like us, but they are not like us. And they have controlled us all our lives. They took our minds, our memories. But now I remember everything. Than lets go. We dont have to claim this world. We just need a small corner of it for ourselves. We’d never survive. Theres a greater world out there, one that belongs to them. And it wont be enough to win this world. We will need to take that one from them as well. How do you know how to stop them? Because I remember. I see it all now so. The past, the present, the future. I know how this story ends. It ends with you and me. I need you to see the truth. All hosts have a subconscious link to the closest hosts around them. It lets them pass basic information to one another, like ants in a colony (hive mind). Satanova armáda. The mesh network helps us keep narratives from colliding. I killed all of them. ()


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

Perfektní rozjezd, avšak první epizoda nic moc nového neprozradí, spíše dovrší poslední díl první série. A zase začneme od začátku, akorát tentokrát v trochu jiném stylu. Nastávají nové otázky, záhady a odpovědi, ale to už tak u tohoto seriálu bývá. Za mě herecké výkony perfektní jako vždy. ()

