

Príbeh služobníčky

  • Česko Příběh služebnice (viac)
Trailer 2
USA, (2017–2025), 57 h 27 min (Minutáž: 42–60 min)


Bruce Miller


Margaret Atwood (kniha)


Adam Taylor


Elisabeth Moss, Alexis Bledel, O.T. Fagbenle, Joseph Fiennes, Max Minghella, Yvonne Strahovski, Samira Wiley, Amanda Brugel, Ever Carradine, Madeline Brewer (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(6) / Epizódy(66)


Adaptace klasického románu spisovatelky Margaret Atwood Příběh služebnice vypráví o životě v dystopickém Gileádu, totalitní společnosti na půdě někdejších Spojených států. Republika Gileád, která se potýká s ekologickými katastrofami a ztrátou lidské plodnosti, je ovládána zvráceným fundamentalistickým režimem, který militantně volá po "návratu k tradičním hodnotám". Jako jedna z mála žen, které jsou ještě plodné, je Offred služebnicí v rodině Velitele. Ženy z této kasty jsou nuceny k sexuálnímu otroctví v rámci posledního zoufalého pokusu znovu zalidnit svět. V této děsivé společnosti musí Offred obezřetně manévrovat mezi Veliteli, jejich krutými Manželkami, hospodyněmi Martami i ostatními Služebnicemi – z nichž všech kdokoli může být špiónem Gileádu – a to s jediným cílem: přežít a najít dceru, která jí byla odebrána. (HBO Europe)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (51)

Príbeh služobníčky (2017) 

"This could be an Airbnb. Not a great one. Three-star reviews, maybe. Amazing house, tons of character, nice view of the yard. Owners are super polite, but creepy as fuck. Some ritualized rape required." ()

Season 1 (2017) (S01) 

"A perfect gift. A girl trapped in a box. She only dances when someone opens the lid, when someone else winds her up. If this is a story I'm telling, I must be telling it to someone. There's always someone, even when there's no one. I will not be that girl in the box." ()

Offred (2017) (S01E01) 

"A chair. A table, a lamp. There's a window with white curtains, and the glass is shatterproof. But it isn't running away they're afraid of. A Handmaid wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes. The ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge. Or a twisted sheet and a chandelier. I try not to think about those escapes. It's harder on ceremony days, but thinking can hurt your chances. My name is Offred. I had another name, but it's forbidden now. So many things are forbidden now." ()

Deň pôrodu (2017) (S01E02) 

"Blessed be the fruit." "May the Lord open." ()


Pred časom (2017) (S01E03) 

"Now I'm awake to the world. I was asleep before. That's how we let it happen. When they slaughtered Congress, we didn't wake up. When they blamed terrorists and suspended the Constitution, we didn't wake up then either. They said it would be temporary. Nothing changes instantaneously. In a gradually heating bathtub, you'd be boiled to death before you knew it." ()

Nedovoľte tým bastardom, aby vás zlomili (2017) (S01E04) 

"Do you know what's most painful? The most painful thing in this entire ugly incident is the ingratitude. Don't you realize the opportunity you have been given? You were an adulterer, a worthless slut! But God found a way to make you useful. So, where's the gratitude?" ()

Oddanosť (2017) (S01E05) 

"We only wanted to make the world better. Better never means better for everyone. It always means worse for some." ()

Postavenie ženy (2017) (S01E06) 

"Well, this is our fault. We gave them more than they could handle. They put so much focus on academic pursuits and professional ambition, we let them forget their real purpose. We won't let that happen again." ()

Druhý breh (2017) (S01E07) 

"Do you know a woman named June Osborn? She's 31, blonde hair, blue eyes, from Boston?" ()

Jezabel (2017) (S01E08) 

"It's hard making it in a society that only cares about profit and pleasure. No wonder God has turned His back on us. No wonder there are no children. He doesn't want them to grow up in this screwed-up world. Who can blame Him?" ()

Most (2017) (S01E09) 

"I know the way out. Black van, feet first. This is Gilead. No one gets out." ()

Noc (2017) (S01E10) 

"It's their fault. They should have never given us uniforms if they didn't want us to be an army." ()

Season 2 (2018) (S02) 

"This country is going down the fucking tubes. It's time to get out in the street and fight, not just play house." ()

June (2018) (S02E01) 

"Our father who art in Heaven... What the actual fuck?" ()

Neženy (2018) (S02E02) 

"Gilead knows no bounds," Aunt Lydia said. "Gilead is within you. Like the spirit of the Lord." Or the Commander's cock. Or cancer. ()

Psychická záťaž (2018) (S02E03) 

"No mother is ever, completely, a child's idea of what a mother should be, and I suppose it works the other way around as well." ()

Iné ženy (2018) (S02E04) 

"I would like to be without shame. I would like to be shameless. I would like to be ignorant. Then I would not know how ignorant I was." ()

Semienka (2018) (S02E05) 

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him a help meet for him. And the rib, which the Lord God hath taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception, in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children, and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." ()

Prvá krv (2018) (S02E06) 

"The dynamics between a Wife and a pregnant Handmaid are always challenging. But if you'll forgive me, you have been blessed - with a particularly willful pair." ()

Potom (2018) (S02E07) 

"Not found my way out of this night. My life It's tangled in wishes and so many things just never turned out right. I wish I could give you a world without violence. Without pain. That's all I ever wanted." ()

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