


Trailer 1
USA, (2018–2025), 83 h 48 min (Minutáž: 40–43 min)


Alexi Hawley


Jordan Gagne


Nathan Fillion, Alyssa Diaz, Richard T. Jones, Titus Makin Jr., Melissa O'Neil, Eric Winter, Mekia Cox, Mercedes Mason, Shawn Ashmore, Ali Larter (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(7) / Epizódy(118)


Začať odznova nie je jednoduché, najmä ak pochádzate z malého mestečka ako John Nolan, ktorý si po životnom zvrate chce splniť sen a stať sa policajným dôstojníkom v Los Angeles. Jeho rozhodnutie však niektorí nadriadení prijali skepticky, pretože ho považujú za chodiacu krízu stredného veku. Ak nedokáže udržať krok s mladými policajtmi a zločincami, riskuje životy mnohých, vrátane vlastného. Pokiaľ však dokáže využiť svoje životné skúsenosti, odhodlanie a zmysel pre humor, môže začať žiť úplne novú kapitolu svojho života. (TV JOJ)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (68)

Zoznam (2019) (S01E19) 

I have so many questions, starting with "How?" and ending with "Why?" ()

Voľný pád (2019) (S01E20) 

"I can totally see us destroying my bedroom later." ()

Série 2 (2019) (S02) 

"You can't be faithful to a girl, you can't be faithful to an oath or a badge." ()

Dopad (2019) (S02E01) 

"This isn't a joke, Boot. You don't have the experience to evaluate people yet, so your default should be suspicion, not compassion. Understood?" ()

Nočný generál (2019) (S02E02) 

"My dad always said the only true negotiating power is the ability to walk away." ()

Stávka (2019) (S02E03) 

"Social workers do valuable work - coddling criminals." ()

Bojovníci a strážcovia (2019) (S02E04) 

"If you are committed to making this an antagonistic relationship, don't expect me to roll over and take it." ()

Neoblomná láska (2019) (S02E05) 

"Yeah, not if you keep looking in hipster clubs and hot yoga studios. What you need is a grown man." ()

Čas strachu (2019) (S02E06) 

"I'd cancel their rehearsal dinner. Change their registry to a bondage web store. Pay a gang of clowns to storm their wedding and hire a chopper to fly over their outdoor reception. See how well their cake stands up to the rotor wash of a Sikorsky helicopter." ()

Istota je istota (2019) (S02E07) 

Stay down, and get used to that position. Because in case you didn't know, you are not a 6'2", 180-pound man. Now, Tim might be a good T.O., but he can't teach you how to fight like a girl. We get a higher show of force, especially from men. So, guess what, sweetheart? You are always going to be tested, and when you are alone against a desperate suspect, and you are between them and freedom, your thoughts can never be, "Oh, my, he's bigger than me." Look here, Not Nolan, if you're going to survive these streets as a 5'6" woman and one of color, no less, you better learn what these boys don't know to teach. ()

Bod zlomu (2019) (S02E09) 

"She's in a coma, she won't miss these." ()

Stelesnené zlo (2019) (S02E10) 

"Therein lies the madness. Is there any real rationale why someone would take off a person's hands or pour boiling oil down someone's throat? There's this morbid curiosity to ask why. Don't. You don't want to know what's in her head and you sure as hell don't want her in yours." ()

Deň smrti (2020) (S02E11) 

TIM BRADFORD: "What's your tolerance level for cranks and asshats wasting your time?" WESLEY EVERS: "I'm a public defender." ()

Vtedy a dnes (2020) (S02E12) 

"Deciding what's best for her is not protecting her; that's controlling her, and you're better than that. I shouldn't have played along yesterday, and that's on me, but I would be a failure as a father if I didn't tell you you're falling down as a fiancé. Abigail deserves your empathy and your honesty. If you can't give her that, you should tell her it's over." ()

Nasledujúci deň (2020) (S02E13) 

"Man, food used to be so easy. There was only two kinds: fried and other." ()

Obete (2020) (S02E14) 

"Remember when we used to be able to eat nothing but French fries and still have abs?" ()

Krádež identity (2020) (S02E15) 

"There are easier ways to take off a watch!" ()

Nočná hliadka (2020) (S02E16) 

"I am tired, stressed, and emotional. If you make me chase your ass through this hotel, believe me, you will pay." ()

Kontrola (2020) (S02E17) 

"I don't stink, my character stinks." ()

