


Trailer 2
USA, (2018–2025), 83 h 48 min (Minutáž: 40–43 min)


Alexi Hawley


Jordan Gagne


Nathan Fillion, Alyssa Diaz, Richard T. Jones, Titus Makin Jr., Melissa O'Neil, Eric Winter, Mekia Cox, Mercedes Mason, Shawn Ashmore, Ali Larter (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

Série(7) / Epizódy(118)


Začať odznova nie je jednoduché, najmä ak pochádzate z malého mestečka ako John Nolan, ktorý si po životnom zvrate chce splniť sen a stať sa policajným dôstojníkom v Los Angeles. Jeho rozhodnutie však niektorí nadriadení prijali skepticky, pretože ho považujú za chodiacu krízu stredného veku. Ak nedokáže udržať krok s mladými policajtmi a zločincami, riskuje životy mnohých, vrátane vlastného. Pokiaľ však dokáže využiť svoje životné skúsenosti, odhodlanie a zmysel pre humor, môže začať žiť úplne novú kapitolu svojho života. (TV JOJ)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (68)

Časová tieseň (2020) (S02E18) 

"Why does everything have to be a teachable moment with you?" ()

Ticho pred búrkou (2020) (S02E19) 

"The end of the race is always the hardest. The push is to remind you not to celebrate before you cross the finish line." ()

Lov (2020) (S02E20) 

"You know your problem, John? You think you're better than people." ()

Série 3 (2021) (S03) 

"We're not all trigger-happy. I mean, most of us want to help." ()

Dôsledky (2021) (S03E01) 

"We all feel betrayed. It's heartbreaking to find out that somebody you cared about isn't who you think they are." ()

Spravodlivosť (2021) (S03E02) 

"We're not all trigger-happy. I mean, most of us want to help." ()

Rodinné putá (2021) (S03E03) 

"Legend goes that when she was only 15, she was walking home from the hospital with her newborn son when she got caught in the crossfire between two rival gangs. To protect her baby, she picks up a semiautomatic off a dead narco and kills everyone. The cartel was so impressed, they recruited her and named her La Fiera." ()

Sabotáž (2021) (S03E04) 

"West, I've been a Black man a lot longer than you have. I get it." ()

Vysoké riziko (2021) (S03E05) 

"You're a dead man walking." ()

Krst ohňom (2021) (S03E06) 

"A monkey can be taught to test for drugs... or a cop. I need to see that you really know the science." ()

Skutočný zločin (2021) (S03E07) 

"You know, he literally told them how to act, and in their eyes, he became infallible. He could do no wrong. He could commit acts of unspeakable evil, yet still be their savior from above." Jedna z najlepších epizód. ()

Zlá krv (2021) (S03E08) 

"Is there a mug for that?" ()

Unesené bábätko (2021) (S03E09) 

"Look, every day, we show up on people's worst day. We see the exception, not the rule." ()

Svadobný svedok (2021) (S03E10) 

"Look, it's just food with a fellow human. If you don't like it, you never have to see him again. If you do like it, I'm gonna want all the details tomorrow." ()

Nová krv (2021) (S03E11) 

"There are three major differences between police and millitary, and if you want to be a cop instead of a soldier, you'll have to conquer all of them. One, cops are expected to be proactive. You don't wait for orders. Two, you are no longer bound by millitary objectives. The actions you take are up to your discretion. And, three, the people we come up against on the street, aren't enemy combatants. They're our fellow citizens." ()

Trojitá hra (2021) (S03E13) 

"Since I don't think you have that kind of cash on you, looks like we're sticking around and I don't get to be Batman." ()

Na hrane (2021) (S03E14) 

It's like "Mary Poppins" in there. ()

Život a smrť (2021) (S04E01) 

"The two women bonded over motherhood." ()

Päťminútovka (2021) (S04E02) 

"There is honor in resigning. In realizing that you are not up for this. But if you get fired from this job, what comes next, hmm? The embarrassment, the shame, the ridicule." ()

