


  • Česko Rodina Sopránů (viac)
USA, (1999–2007), 78 h 30 min (Minutáž: 43–72 min)


David Chase


James Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, Dominic Chianese, Steven Van Zandt, Tony Sirico, Robert Iler, Jamie-Lynn Sigler (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)

VOD (1)

Série(6) / Epizódy(86)


Jeden z najpopulárnejších seriálov vôbec nezískal päť Zlatých glóbusov len tak pre nič za nič. Zoznámte sa s Tonym Sopranom, priemerným biznismenom v najlepších rokoch. Aj s jeho poslušnou ženou a so synom, ktorý už zďaleka tak poslušný nie je. A tiež s psychiatričkou, ktorej Tony zveruje všetky svoje tajomstvá okrem jediného: že je šéfom mafie... (HBO Max)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (93)

Noční výlet (2001) (S03E11) 

"Fuck you, Paulie. Captain or no captain, right now, we're just two assholes lost in the woods." ()

Šílená láska (2001) (S03E12) 

"All right, spit it out. Whenever I bring her up, you get this weird puss, and then you ask me, "does she seem happy?" like maybe she's not. Or, "does she remind you of somebody?" with that weird puss on, like you don't like it. "Our mo fo" or whatever the fuck you call our relationship!" ()

Jednočlenná armáda (2001) (S03E13) 

"Our dads are in the garbage business, and it's always good for a laugh. And, yeah, they brush up against organised crime. But, do you think they control every slime ball and illegal gun in like a hundred communities? The fact that you would even say this in front of an outsider is amazing to me! Jesus Christ, some loyalty?" ()

Season 4 (2002) (S04) 

"That’s the whole purpose for people like me. To inspire people like you. So is the trouble with you Americans. You expect nothing bad ever to happen, when the rest of the World expects only bad to happen. And they’re not disappointed. You have everything! And still you complain. You lie in couches, and bitch to a psychiatrist. You’ve got too much time to think about yourselves." ()


Dluhy veřejné i soukromé (2002) (S04E01) 

"Mom started going downhill after the World Trade Center. You know Quasimodo predicted all this." ()

Bezpracný zisk (2002) (S04E02) 

"This is my Goodbye Party with heroin." ()

Kryštof Kolumbus (2002) (S04E03) 

"So, you finally read a book, and it's bullshit." ()

Váha (2002) (S04E04) 

"That's enough of you and your stupid fucking remarks! Go back to Miami and play volleyball, or whatever the fuck it is you do down there, while we clean up your fucking mess! Maybe, even keep your ass alive." ()

Koňské dostihy (2002) (S04E05) 

Ralph Cifaretto - And tell that midget not to be shy with the whip. Hesh - If only his mother had taken that advice. ()

Každý si nese svůj kříž (2002) (S04E06) 

Tony Soprano - Did you ever know anybody that ever committed suicide? Janice Soprano - Uhmm, plenty. I used to live in Seattle, Tony. ()

Nová spojení, nové akvizice (2002) (S04E08) 

"You'll have to excuse these girls. Sometimes they think it's a high school with wheelchairs." ()

Někdo to musel udělat (2002) (S04E09) 

"Whoever did this, it should have happened a long time ago." ()

Silný, mlčenlivý typ (2002) (S04E10) 

"That’s the whole purpose for people like me. To inspire people like you. So is the trouble with you Americans. You expect nothing bad ever to happen, when the rest of the World expects only bad to happen. And they’re not disappointed. You have everything! And still you complain. You lie in couches, and bitch to a psychiatrist. You’ve got too much time to think about yourselves." ()

Volání o pomoc (2002) (S04E11) 

"You know, there's this Russian woman. She told me something that's very true. She said, only here, in America, do we expect to be happy. I mean this woman, she had a terrible leg disease since she was 9. She was dirt poor. She's getting on with her life. I mean, over here, we come and we bitch to shrinks. I mean, what the fuck?" ()

Elois (2002) (S04E12) 

"You're a wormy cocksucker, you know that?" ()

Příboj (2002) (S04E13) 

"Carmela, who the fuck did you think I was when you married me, huh? You knew my father, you grew up around Dicky Moltisanti and your uncle Eddie. Where do you get off acting so surprised and miffed when there are women on the side? You knew the deal." ()

Season 5 (2004) (S05) 

"So they go through labor, big deal. Try a prostate exam." ()

Dvě tváře Tonyho (2004) (S05E01) 

"Know what the biggest change is for me? Broads shavin' their bushes. I went over to Silvio's, it's like the Girl Scouts in there." ()

Krysy (2004) (S05E02) 

"So they go through labor, big deal. Try a prostate exam." ()

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