

Bratstvo neohrozených

  • Česko Bratrstvo neohrožených (viac)
Trailer 2
Veľká Británia / USA, 2001, 9 h 54 min (Minutáž: 49–70 min)


Stephen Ambrose (kniha)


Michael Kamen


Damian Lewis, Scott Grimes, Ron Livingston, Donnie Wahlberg, Shane Taylor, Rick Warden, Michael Cudlitz, Neal McDonough, Frank John Hughes (viac)
(ďalšie profesie)


Bratrstvo neohrožených představuje zásadní počin v historii HBO i televize samotné. Jedná se o desetidílnou minisérii natočenou na motivy bestselleru spisovatele Stephena E. Ambroseho, jenž pojednává o elitní jednotce americké armády z 2. světové války známé jako Easy Company. Minisérie začíná v přísném výcvikovém táboře v Georgii v roce 1942 a vypráví o pozoruhodných úspěších této dobrovolnické střelecké roty, která se časného rána v osudný den "D" roku 1944 účastnila výsadku ve Francii. Stála v čele operace Market-Garden a prodělala ofenzívu na Rýně, zaútočila na nacisty v Bastogne i v Bulge a v roce 1945 pomáhala dobýt Hitlerovo "nedobytné" Orlí hnízdo v Berchtesgaden. (HBO Europe)


Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (11)

Bratstvo neohrozených (2001) 

"That night I thanked God for seeing me through that day of days. And prayed I would make it through D + 1. And if somehow I managed to get home again I promised God and myself that I would find a quiet piece of land someplace and spend the rest of my life in peace." ()

Currahee (2001) (E01) 

"Come on, Gonorrhea, as a fellow Italian you should know that calling this crap spaghetti is a mortal sin." ()

Den všech dnů (2001) (E02) 

"The 88s we've heard have been spotted in a field down the road a ways. Major Strayer wants us to take them out. There are two guns that we know of, firing on Utah Beach. Plan on a third and a fourth. Here and here. The Germans are in the trenches. With access to the entire battery. Machine gun covering the rear. We establish a base of fire and move under it with two squads of three. We'll take some TNT along with us. Despite the guns. Liebgott, take the first machine gun, with Petty A-gunner. Plesha, Hendrix, you take the other. Who does that leave? Compton, Malarkey, Toye, Guarnere. Okay. We'll be making the main assault. Understood?" ()

Carentan (2001) (E03) 

"We're taking Carentan. lt's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah Beach can head inland. Until we take Carentan, they're stuck. Taylor's sending the whole division." ()


Nováčkové (2001) (E04) 

"As you can see this is called Operation Market Garden. For airborne divisions, this one's bigger than Normandy. We're dropping deep into occupied Holland. The Allied objective is to take this road between Eindhoven and Arnhem so the two British armored divisions can move up it. Our job is gonna be to liberate Eindhoven. Stay there, wait for the tanks." ()

Křižovatky (2001) (E05) 

"Nixon, Heyliger. Colonel Dobie, British 1 st Airborne. Nixon is our S2. That's 1 st Lt. Heyliger. The Brits lost 8000 men when Market Garden fell which is why Colonel Dobie has to coordinate a rescue for the troops who are trapped." "Dutch Resistance are hiding outside a town north of the river. They'll assemble in the woods. The Canadians have supplied six boats.The rendezvous point is landable. l swam it last night. At 0030, they'll signal V for victory with a hand-held red torch. That'd be a red flashlight." "Operation Pegasus." ()

Bastogne (2001) (E06) 

"We're under sporadic artillery fire. We're taking hits with no aid station. We have no food or winter clothes, and little ammo. The line's spread so thin the enemy wanders into our CP. We just can't cover the line." ()

Bod zlomu (2001) (E07) 

"After Bastogne Easy Company was called to push the Germans through the Bulge. I was glad to be out of my foxhole and moving, even if only to get warm. E Company was sent to clear the woods near the town of Foy in preparation for what we knew would be the assault on Foy itself. During that 1 000-yard attack, we encountered sporadic machine-gun fire and had a couple casualties, but overall met little resistance. Hoobler's run-in with the German was the most dramatic moment of the day." ()

Poslední hlídka (2001) (E08) 

"What the 101st Airborne did in the Battle of the Bulge made it famous. Papers called them ''The Battered Bastards of Bastogne.'' They were now pulling into the comparative paradise of Haguenau the sounds of the war coming from across the river. I had missed Bastogne. I knew what I heard around the replacement depot. That the war would soon be over. When I was able to rejoin Easy Company they didn 't look like heroes who just helped win the war. Easy Company had a new C.O. to go with the other new faces. The guys I knew were gone or different than I remembered. I went through D-Day and Market Garden, but because I had missed Bastogne I was treated as a replacement and felt like I was starting all over." ()

Proč bojujeme? (2001) (E09) 

"We used to say, ''The only good Kraut is a dead one.'' Well. Most of them were kids. We all were kids." ()

Body (2001) (E10) 

"Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You have fought bravely, proudly, for your country. You are a special group who found in one another a bond that exists only in combat among brothers of shared foxholes. Held each other in dire moments. Have seen death and suffered together. l am proud to have served with each and every one of you. You deserve long and happy lives in peace." ()

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