

Star Trek

  • USA Star Trek (viac)

Série(2) / Epizódy(22)

V tomhle animovaném seriálu nadabovaném herci z původního Star Treku míří hvězdná loď Enterprise za novými dobrodružstvími. (Netflix)

Recenzie používateľa Loki_Six k tomuto seriálu (25)

Star Trek (1973) 

"It is quite possible, Captain, that they find us grotesque and ugly, and many people fear beings different from themselves." ()

Série 1 (1973) (S01) 

"An incredible experience, Captain. I find this scientifically fascinating." ()

Na okraji galaxie (1973) (S01E01) 

"Gives me the creeps. I feel like something's watching us." ()

Co se nestalo (1973) (S01E02) 

"A Vulcan would face such a loss without tears. By understanding every life comes to an end when time demands it. Loss of life is to be mourned, but only if the life was wasted." ()


Ztratila se nám planeta (1973) (S01E03) 

"It is like a huge bull grazing here and there in the pasture of the universe." ()

Čarovný hlas (1973) (S01E04) 

"The form is humanoid, but there are many internal differences. Their bodies appear to function on an unusual psychokinesis level." ()

Zachráněný (1973) (S01E06) 

"Did you say I'm a man of curious habits? Jim's talking to a table." ()

Nesmrtelný Vulkánec (1973) (S01E07) 

Scott: A strange way to handle aliens. Kirk: These are strange aliens we're fighting. ()

Mágové z Megas Tu (1973) (S01E08) 

"Our Federation scientists were more correct than they realised. In order to function, the galactic creation point must extend through space, time, into another dimension where the logic of things is totally different." ()

Tenkrát na planetě (1973) (S01E09) 

"Our amusement park no longer seems content to amuse." ()

Elixír lásky (1973) (S01E10) 

Spock: The probability of his presence on Motherlode is 81% plus or minus .53. McCoy: Why can't you just say Mudd's probably there? Spock: I just did, Doctor. ()

Chtěl bych být menší (1973) (S01E11) 

"Meaningless at the moment, but it was sent twice. Odds against that occuring in a totally random transmission are too high to ignore." ()

Zajatci času (1973) (S01E12) 

"They all must try before they accept." ()

Pod vlivem Ambry (1973) (S01E13) 

"I can't command a ship from inside an aquarium." ()

Zbraň Otrokářů (1973) (S01E14) 

"You're a Vulcan. I feel no pressing need to talk to an eater of roots and leaves. Humans at least are omnivorous." ()

Jiná perspektiva (1974) (S01E15) 

Tom Markel: So far, Mr. Spock, we haven't found anything funny in this. Mr. Spock: Animals in a zoo rarely do. ()

Džihád (1974) (S01E16) 

"I like this place. It's got variety." ()

Série 2 (1974) (S02) 

"Patience. Every planet is dangerous to the ignorant." ()

Orionští piráti (1974) (S02E01) 

"As much as it might seem at times that I can't stand that pointy-eared encyclopaedia, I don't wanna see that happen to him." ()

