

Sladký domove! - Série 1 (2020) (séria)

Epizoda 9 (S01E09)


VOD (1)


Budova padne do rukou party gangsterů a obyvatelé zjistí, že lidé se můžou chovat ještě hůř než příšery. (Netflix)

Recenzie (4)


všetky recenzie používateľa (k tomuto seriálu)

To si mohl odpustit, když je to takovej sebevrah. Nedošlo mu, jak jí zlomí srdce! You were always ugly, but you look way uglier now. You wont to live, right? Act like before. Nothing good will happen if you are near me. Are you thorowing a pit party? You know, I m an orphan. You seem to think your life is most pitiful, but its not. I will prove it to you. I m going to survive with you until the end. I had nothing to do anyway. Dont try to make yourself miserable. Things are bad enough already. I believe you will survive this. I can tell from your face. You cant trust soldiers in such situations. Jaktože tam dojeli? Všude samý monstra. Why the hell did you scribble on your face? LOL. You are so emotional. Are you going to cry over every persons death? Nejdřív slepák, ted todle. They had all killed each other. No sign of monsters. Its not the time to be worrying about monsters. Humans are the scariest. It seems they are criminals who killed soldiers and stole their weapons. Tak ted nvm. You are the toughest among all the losers here. Škoda náboju. Hypocrisy comes at a huge cost. If we hesitate any longer, moe ppl will die. Close your eyes. Not you, you shit. I m hurt too. Do you want to see my wound? Ho zapíchne ta druhá. Jesli jo, tak se to dalo čekat. Co řikám. Do you want to go first? Si to prohodili. This is just the beginning, you bitch. Zase ji podcenili. Na co čeká? I killed a person. Its okay. He wassnt human. You dont seem to get the picture here. How can a wolf and a rabbit be on the same side?the rabbit was pretending to be a wolf, so i just payed along. Its not a crime for a wolf to kill a rabbit after playing with it. There are monsters that dont harm humans. But will there be humans that dont harm monsters? Není to ten jeho kámoš ze střední? ()


Galéria (4)

