

Doktor Spánok

  • Česko Doktor Spánek od Stephena Kinga (viac)
Trailer 1

Film nadväzuje na príbeh filmu Osvietenie (Stanley Kubrick), ktorý popisuje hrôzostrašné udalosti, ku ktorým došlo pred 40 rokmi v hoteli Overlook. Teraz už dospelý Dan Torrance (Ewan McGregor) sa usilovne snaží vyrovnať so svojim hrôzostrašným zážitkom z hotela a nájsť pokoj v duši. Všetko sa ale zmení vo chvíli, keď sa stretne s Abrou, odvážnym mladým dievčaťom, ktoré je obdarené mimoriadnymi schopnosťami označovanými ako „žiarenie“. Abra inštinktívne vycíti, že Dan má rovnaké tajuplné nadanie ako ona a obráti sa naňho so zúfalou prosbou o pomoc. Neľútostná Rose a jej nasledovníci totiž čerpajú energiu zo „žiarenia“ ďalších nevinných detí a pre dosiahnutie svojej nesmrteľnosti sú ochotní urobiť čokoľvek. Táto dvojica spojí svoje sily a pustí sa s Rose do nemilosrdného boja na život a na smrť. (Continental Film)



Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep

Vydal: Waxwork Records

Rok: 2023

Krajina: USA

Formát: LP

Minutáž: 01:27:45

Poznámky: Limited edition.

Tracklist CD 1 Minutáž: 42:27
1. SIDE A: Dies Irae / Violet (Incorporating The Shining Main Title) The Newton Brothers 00:51
2. 237 The Newton Brothers 03:04
3. Mrs. Massey The Newton Brothers 01:06
4. Please Talk Please The Newton Brothers 00:51
5. The Shining The Newton Brothers 05:58
6. Lockbox The Newton Brothers 01:05
7. Rattlesnake The Newton Brothers 03:01
8. Spoons The Newton Brothers 00:55
9. The Hat, The Snake & Dan The Newton Brothers 03:05
10. SIDE B: Turning The Newton Brothers 02:38
11. Gaucher's Disease The Newton Brothers 01:07
12. Doctor Sleep The Newton Brothers 02:11
13. #19 The Newton Brothers 01:27
14. Steam The Newton Brothers 03:21
15. Redrum The Newton Brothers 01:42
16. The Looker The Newton Brothers 02:42
17. Astral Projection The Newton Brothers 03:03
18. Who's Tony? The Newton Brothers 02:41
19. Chimes & Outside Voices The Newton Brothers 01:39
Tracklist CD 2 Minutáž: 45:18
1. SIDE C: Rose Traveling The Newton Brothers 04:17
2. Grampa Flick The Newton Brothers 03:22
3. The Things That Lived There The Newton Brothers 03:48
4. That Which Was Forgotten The Newton Brothers 01:05
5. The True Knot The Newton Brothers 02:06
6. Ventriloquism The Newton Brothers 02:27
7. Radio Waves The Newton Brothers 01:00
8. Going West The Newton Brothers 03:27
9. The Overlook The Newton Brothers 01:20
10. SIDE D: You Seem Put Upon The Newton Brothers 04:08
11. Bloody Elevators The Newton Brothers 02:45
12. Enough! The Newton Brothers 01:52
13. Ventus The Newton Brothers 02:51
14. The Hedge Maze Part I The Newton Brothers 01:56
15. The Hedge Maze Part II The Newton Brothers 02:06
16. Old Ghosts The Newton Brothers 02:55
17. We Go On The Newton Brothers 03:53
Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Watertower Music

Rok: 2019

Krajina: USA

Formát: CD

Minutáž: 01:12:58

Poznámky: CD-R on demand.

1. Dies Irae / Violet (Incorporating The Shining Main Title) The Newton Brothers 00:51
2. 237 The Newton Brothers 03:04
3. Please Talk Please The Newton Brothers 00:51
4. The Shining The Newton Brothers 05:58
5. Lockbox The Newton Brothers 01:05
6. Rattlesnake The Newton Brothers 03:01
7. Spoons The Newton Brothers 00:55
8. The Hat, The Snake & Dan The Newton Brothers 03:05
9. Turning The Newton Brothers 02:38
10. Steam The Newton Brothers 03:21
11. Redrum The Newton Brothers 01:42
12. The Looker The Newton Brothers 02:42
13. Astral Projection The Newton Brothers 03:03
14. Who's Tony? The Newton Brothers 02:41
15. Chimes & Outside Voices The Newton Brothers 01:39
16. Rose Traveling The Newton Brothers 04:17
17. Grampa Flick The Newton Brothers 03:22
18. That Which Was Forgotten The Newton Brothers 01:05
19. The True Knot The Newton Brothers 02:06
20. Ventriloquism The Newton Brothers 02:27
21. Going West The Newton Brothers 03:27
22. The Overlook The Newton Brothers 01:20
23. Bloody Elevators The Newton Brothers 02:45
24. Enough! The Newton Brothers 01:52
25. Ventus The Newton Brothers 02:51
26. The Hedge Maze, Pt. 1 The Newton Brothers 01:56
27. The Hedge Maze, Pt. 2 The Newton Brothers 02:06
28. Old Ghosts The Newton Brothers 02:55
29. We Go On The Newton Brothers 03:53
Doctor Sleep

Doctor Sleep

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Vydal: Watertower Music

Rok: 2019

Krajina: USA

Formát: digital

Minutáž: 01:27:45

1. Dies Irae / Violet (Incorporating The Shining Main Title) The Newton Brothers 00:51
2. 237 The Newton Brothers 03:04
3. Mrs. Massey The Newton Brothers 01:06
4. Please Talk Please The Newton Brothers 00:51
5. The Shining The Newton Brothers 05:58
6. Lockbox The Newton Brothers 01:05
7. Rattlesnake The Newton Brothers 03:01
8. Spoons The Newton Brothers 00:55
9. The Hat, The Snake & Dan The Newton Brothers 03:05
10. Turning The Newton Brothers 02:38
11. Gaucher's Disease The Newton Brothers 01:07
12. Doctor Sleep The Newton Brothers 02:11
13. #19 The Newton Brothers 01:27
14. Steam The Newton Brothers 03:21
15. Redrum The Newton Brothers 01:42
16. The Looker The Newton Brothers 02:42
17. Astral Projection The Newton Brothers 03:03
18. Who's Tony? The Newton Brothers 02:41
19. Chimes & Outside Voices The Newton Brothers 01:39
20. Rose Traveling The Newton Brothers 04:17
21. Grampa Flick The Newton Brothers 03:22
22. The Things That Lived There The Newton Brothers 03:48
23. That Which Was Forgotten The Newton Brothers 01:05
24. The True Knot The Newton Brothers 02:06
25. Ventriloquism The Newton Brothers 02:27
26. Radio Waves The Newton Brothers 01:00
27. Going West The Newton Brothers 03:27
28. The Overlook The Newton Brothers 01:20
29. You Seem Put Upon The Newton Brothers 04:08
30. Bloody Elevators The Newton Brothers 02:45
31. Enough! The Newton Brothers 01:52
32. Ventus The Newton Brothers 02:51
33. The Hedge Maze, Pt. 1 The Newton Brothers 01:56
34. The Hedge Maze, Pt. 2 The Newton Brothers 02:06
35. Old Ghosts The Newton Brothers 02:55
36. We Go On The Newton Brothers 03:53

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